Sunday, December 10, 2006

Oxygen Thieves Among Us

I hope anyone with a television watches 60 Minutes tonight. Anderson Cooper, making his media-touted debut on the show, interviews Specialist Joe Darby, the man who exposed the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal. I am too lazy to look for it, but I posted a link to a GQ article several months ago that depicted the horror his life has become as a result of what he did. From the CBS website:
Mr. Darby has shamed himself, his fellow servicemen, and his country.
There were procedures for Mr. Darby, he was sworn to uphold. He did not but then they would have brought him neither the money or the notoriety that going to the media has.

The Good Christians are still calling him a traitor and threatening his life. The "hope you die in misery: yours in Christ, Bob" crowd continue to show that they are willfully ignorant of what being a traitor is. Those who bang the drumbeat of war with the blood of other people's children have no shame. The only comfort to be drawn from human excrement such as this is that their god wants a few words with them before they meet their final, wretched salvation.


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