Friday, October 28, 2005

Shitbags of Liberty

So, my idea for a fun Friday night is to come home from a long day at work at watch Patrick Fitzgerald's news conference rerun on CSPAN. I know, I have no life. Regardless, I watched the whole smokin' thing. Then I watched some of Hannity & Colmes. Mary Matalin was the guest. Then Newt. Such contrast, my head almost exploded all over the tv room. Have to be more careful than that.

So much juicy information, so little brain space. Everyone on the planet with a blog or a news show is talking about the indictment of Scooter Libby. This link is for those of us who want to read it only, not have a .pdf file of it.

Even so. I know this will shock the hell out of you: Bill Frist, Leader of the Senate, the person who you'd expect to lead by example, is going to...wait for it...not allow a Senate investigation into the CIA leak. I would think, given how he was publicly thrown under the bus by Bush, that he'd allow it, just for payback. But no. He can't do that. Nor can he do what is the right thing.

Bill, your broom is worn out. Keep sweeping shit under the rug. Maybe one day it will stay there.


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