Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Foreign Minister of Dumbfuckistan

This story has been all over liberal blogs, and for good reason. But John Edwards, former and current candidate for President, hired a couple of bloggers to assist his campaign. A good thing, considering how 'new media' and the internets tubes proved so important in the midterms, and will shape a lot of the '08 elections. He hired Shakespeares sister and Amanda at Pandagon (which is down for repairs at this writing).
But the Foreign Minister of Dumbfuckistan, Bill Donahue of the Catholic League (I will not link, if you're interested, Google his name for his greatest hits), who gets air time all over cable news outlets for reasons passing my understanding, who has some choice things to say about gays, victims of pedophilia, etc., started bitching about these two, because they've posted in the past about the backwards attitudes of the Catholic church on HIV and condoms, on abortion, on birth control. So, our Foreign Minister of Dumbfuckistan, Mr. Donahue, freaked out all over national television, and before you knew it, aides to Dumbfuckistan were coming out of the walls. The two resigned from the Edwards campaign, to keep the focus on Edwards and his campaign rather than themselves.

That's the background, but the story continues, because lemming followers of our Foreign Minister to Dumbfuckistan wrote letters to the bloggers. Ugly letters. One was written by a photographer for National Geographic, for chrissakes. Anyway, god love him, Jesus' General writes letters to those shitbags of liberty who wrote the bloggers. Don't be drinking liquids while reading his posts, unless you have windex for your monitor. An excerpt:

Dear Mr. De Leone,

I'm very intrigued by your email to Amanda Marcotte--especially the part where you invite her to suck your "LONG COCK ASSHOLE." That sounds like a very interesting piece of anatomy. Can you send pictures? Is it the result of some horrible industrial accident? Or are you simply describing the length of your rectum in a rather colorful and alluring manner?

And what about your email address, "poppylongnthick?" Are you a priest?

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

Seriously. Don't drink and read.


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