Saturday, October 29, 2005

Martha, Martha, Martha

So, the verdict is in: Republicans are either desperate to hold onto power or have lost their minds. Or both. Watching the fallout on Fox, as well as Tim Russert's show this evening, the general talking point on the right is: Scooter (I still can't say that without thinking of the fuzzy innocent muppet, but I digress) Libby was indicted on a charge not related to the original charge and reason for investigation.

(cricket chirp)

Say it with me: Martha, Martha, Martha. Ms. Stewart was sent to prison for this, was she not? They couldn't indict on insider trading, but instead on the lies she told to investigators in the course of their investigation. Lying is a big deal.

Excuse me. Lying only matters when you're getting a blow job, not when outing classified agents. Silly me.


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