Friday, April 07, 2006

Why You Should Care That Katie Couric Is Leaving NBC

Oh wait, you shouldn't. Never mind.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Jane Harmon, of the House Intelligence Committee:

"I am stunned that the President won't tell the full the Intelligence Committee about the NSA program because he's allegedly concerned about leaks, when it turns out that he is the Leaker-in-Chief."

Meanwhile, Your Liberal Media didn't ask on SINGLE question in today's briefing. Scott McClellan must think he's in heaven.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Colorado Gov. (R) Shocks Everyone By Supporting Mgt. in a Union Dispute

/sarcasm. Okay, for some reason, the return key isn't working, so this will run together. Anyway, Denver's Transit Worker's Union is on strike. They have had a 3 year freeze on wage increases, and was offered a $1.80 increase over the next 3 years. The union's management took the issue to the workers, recommending not to strike, but the union voted to strike. They have that right, that's the whole point of the union. The union also publically asked for the Gov. to get involved. Today, Governor Bill Owens held a press conference in which he told the workers to essentially quit acting like children and get back to work. He spoke of them as though they were children. It was quite amazing to watch. He recalled President Reagan and the air traffic controller strike, and recommended to the Regional Transportation District that if the union doesn't return to work, then they should privatize as much of their system as they can. Oh, and he declined to get involved. Two things: the Denver media (as most national media do in situations like this) take great pains to show the blind, the disabled, the children, not able to get anywhere on time because of the evil unions, allowing not much time for a reality check on the purpose of unions (I know, you're shocked). The other thing is, what the hell was the union thinking when they specifically asked for Owens to get involved? Hello? Republicans hate unions. They should know better.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Christmas In April

DeLay leaving Congress.

O h b a b y .

Radioactive doesn't do it justice. YEE HAWW!!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

That Giant Sucking Sound You Hear.... John McCain's presidential ambitions swirling the drain, going down, down, down. McCain was on Meet the Press today, and it was actually quite something to see The Journalist Formerly Known As Tim Russert reclaim his title. He asked follow up questions, and turned on the heat under McCain's seat. The questions about McCain's FLIP FLOP on the religious right, his previous comments criticizing Jerry Falwell, all were asked. It's the answers that prove interesting. It's painfully obvious that McCain wants Bush's donor list to be given only to him, so McCain has his lips super-glued to Bush's behind. And he did not disappoint. McCain will be speaking at Liberty University, Falwell's private school for intelligent designers. McCain essentially retracted every biting thing he's ever said about Falwell, Bush, and the religious right. All this to obtain a donor list. A donor list of people who will no doubt see through McCain's blatant pandering (worked well for GWB's father, right?) to the religious right. It will also have the added benefit of turning off the independent-minded voters who up until now have not seen the Real McCain. His jump to the hard right will serve to alienate one faction of voters that he's spent so many years trying to stroke, and the other that he suddenly loves. Brilliant advisers he has.