Sunday, January 21, 2007

Richardson Announces, Then Faces Trouble

Richardson announced today. Shorltly thereafter, he gets gets a question posed to him that he must answer soon. Once this makes the rounds of the cable nets, he won't get face time with Lou Dobbs or anyone else.

"Have you behaved inappropriately or not in public settings with female members of your government administration, jokingly or not? Have you gestured to female public servants and political appointees--who work as colleagues with you--and made lewd gestures, specifically pointing to them and pointing at your crotch with a room full of media and other politicos in the room?

Personally, I find it deplorable that a member of my party is so publicly an asshat. It's clear from the link to the original article that the Lt. Governor didn't want to publicly call him out on his behavior. She has to work with the guy, and as Steve Clemons points out, he has a lot of potential. But come on. If these allegations are true, he has to bow out for the good of the party. Party above person, which he clearly has never understood. There are enough egomaniacs in the room.


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