Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Senate Melt-Down

Just now on CSPAN and other cable nets, the Democrats shut down the Senate to have a discussion of the CIA leak case. The Republicans are pissed. Bill Frist spoke briefly about how this was a "personal affront" to him. Trent Lott, the previous Majority Leader, was pissed because the room wasn't swept for bugs. Usually, according to Trent, that sweeping process can last up to 2 hours. (cricket chirp)

The Republicans are trying to portray this as settling political scores, and they want to discuss the deficit. (more crickets chirping)

Where the fuck have you been? You've had ample opportunity to discuss the deficit. You had ample opportunity to put forth a Select Committee on Intelligence report that accurately reflected the issues around the leak case, instead of allowing Pat Roberts to hijack it into some ass-covering for the Vice President's office. You want to allofasudden slow the spending.

Ladies and gentlemen, you tax dollars are hard at work....furthering the cause of the Shitbags of Leadership.


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