Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Support the Troops" Part 34: The Accreditation Process

Clear the decks, I've been thinking. How is it possible that the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Hospitals did not see what was happening at Walter Reed? Granted, I'm a technological idiot and have trouble navigating the site, but it's a wonder to me that the hospital has received a Gold Standard for service, given the reports last week about the conditions in which our wounded military have been living in. Someone smarter than me should look into this.

Update: I have found a link to the apparent JCAHO survey at the Walter Reed site. As this page makes clear, the whole facility couldn't possibly have been surveyed. This is the Management of the Environment of Care page.
The part that trips me up is that I can't find out if Building 18 is considered part of the overall survey of Walter Reed. It appears so from the JCAHO website. If that's the case, their accreditation should be yanked. Now. If it's not, there doesn't appear to be a separate survey of that building. If that's the case, then it should be done, oh, forever ago. This page discusses the process for assessing a patient's response to care, among many other things, and is probably the most important for purposes of this discussion. I'll see what I can dissect and post more later. Flipping outrage, this is.


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